Thursday, December 2, 2010

Life is a gift from God!!!

The above proverb means more than to prevent the weak from suicide. It just occurred to me that, I can mold my Life the way I want. Explore different paths,learn,live. Our society is structured today as school, degree, 9 to 5 job, financial security, happiness. And like me millions follow the set path. Yes we obviously have millions of people stirring discontent within. What are we searching for? Did we search at all? Why are we blind when we have eyes. I believe its the fear of moving away from the heard.The fear of risk. I'm no expert on human behaviour but just letting my thoughts flow and thus hope to observe why we make the choices we make.I am 25 years old, single, financially unstable, away from home, insecure and lacking. Lacking in .... i could fill these dots with umpteen adjectives. Motivation, direction, opportunity to name a few. Lets pick opportunity which I mentioned last. I again ask myself, really? If it did not knock on my door that does not mean it does not exist. Maybe I just have nt reached for it. Have I tried? Yes, I am in the process but I am restricting myself to a single path. Environmental Engineering. What am I looking for in this path, what do I want to experience and am I going to enjoy the journey if not the destination. I am not sure, I hope to find a few coins of gold that ll give me comfortable ride on this bumpy road called life. I am not expecting the best ride, just a comfortable one. Looking for a ride right now and not sure if I am knocking the right door. I stop to think, "you can do whatever you want with your life". If I did nt feel tied down by societal pressure, or fear of tomorrow what would I do or want to do? I am single, so not weighed down by the burden of commitment or responsibilities. I want to dance. I want to volunteer. I want to go away to a foreign land. I want to go to Europe, France / Italy / Tuscany . I want to live on a farm, work in the fields, learn their culture. Maybe go to South America, to a coffee growing country, work on a estate, learn their way of cultivating coffee , share some tips. Maybe go back to India, travel in India, go see Taj Mahal, Ajanta Ellora,Konark Temple in Orissa, buy some orissa sarees, join Nrityagram for a few months of training in odissi dance.But I dont have the courage to explore and Where is the dough? It all ends there...